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  • Lawn Care in Moyock, NC

    Taking care of a lawn can be exhausting. If weeds, lawn disease, 或者恶劣的天气条件让你疲惫不堪,草坪受损, we want to help. With 300+ reviews and a 4.你知道我们是一家值得信赖的公司.

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    Locally owned since 1998, 我们为社区里的邻居提供草坪护理十大彩票网站感到非常自豪. 我们提供优质的产品,优质的客户十大彩票网站, & guaranteed results. 

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    Effective and Efficient Lawn Services

    你的草坪是你财产中极其重要的一部分. 郁郁葱葱的绿色草坪增加了你的家的美丽,而干燥或杂草丛生的草皮可能是真正的眼中钉. No matter the current state of your turf, 农艺草坪管理专家有产品和经验,需要把你的草坪到一个新的水平. 有4种不同的草坪护理包可供选择,我们保证我们将在任何时候让您的院子处于最佳状态.


    • A soil test to evaluate the health of your lawn.
    • A treatment plan customized to meet your needs,每年有6至14份申请.
    • Pre-emergent weed control to prevent unsightly weeds from invading your turf.
    • Post-emergent weed control to completely eliminate any existing weeds.
    • Application of granular fertilizers to promote lawn growth, lime to maintain soil health and pH levels, and fungicides to prevent turf diseases.
    • Free re-treatments 如果您对我们的草坪护理十大彩票网站不是100%满意.

    Get Lawn Treatments Today!

    Unbeatable Service Within 48 Hours

    When it comes to lawn care, efficiency matters. 你的草坪越早得到它需要的处理,你就会越早得到你想要的结果. 幸运的是,农艺草坪管理公司保证48小时内为您提供十大彩票网站. 在几天内请一位有执照且知识渊博的技术人员上门十大彩票网站, all you have to do is pick up the phone. 

    Weed Control in Moyock, NC

    没有什么比院子里难看的杂草更能影响房子的外观了. Clover, dandelion, chickweed, and crabgrass, 和弗吉尼亚州其他常见类型的杂草会迅速将你美丽的草坪变成邻居的眼中物. When it comes to weeds, 越早联系专业的草坪护理公司, the more time and money you will save yourself. 不要让杂草破坏了你花了那么多精力维护的绿色健康的草坪. 今天打电话给农业草坪管理公司,在Moyock进行杂草控制, 我们会在48小时内派专业草坪技师上门!

    Customized Treatments for Lasting Results

    With over 20 years of experience providing lawn care, 农艺草坪管理的专家们知道没有两片草坪是相同的. 这就是为什么我们花时间仔细评估您的草坪,并创建一个定制的治疗计划,以满足您的特定需求. 我们所有的定制治疗方案包括以下高效十大彩票网站:

    • A soil test to assess the health of your lawn
    • Seasonally targeted applications to ensure that your yard remains weed-free year-round.  
    • Post-emergent weed control designed to get rid of weeds quickly and completely. 
    • Pre-emergent weed control 首先要防止杂草成为一个问题.
    • Free re-treatments if problems persist after services.

    Grub Control in Moyock, NC

    你的院子里开始出现一片片垂死的草了吗? 如果是这样,也许是时候看看你的地盘下面隐藏着什么了. 那些棕色草地的一个很可能的原因是你的院子里有蛴螬. During late summer, grubs thrive a few inches beneath the soil, 在寻找食物的过程中摧毁了基层. 防止蛴螬破坏草坪的最好方法是,一旦你怀疑有问题,就打电话给ALM这样的顶级草坪护理公司来处理这个问题. Call us today for grub control in Moyock, 我们会在48小时内派有执照的技师上门. 

    Get Rid of Grubs with Eco-Friendly Treatment

    When it comes to grubs, 好消息是,只有庞大的种群才会对你的地盘造成重大破坏. The sooner you schedule treatment, 草坪受到的损害越少,清除的效率就越高. 在ALM,我们都是量身定制的处理,以满足每个单独的物业的需求. No matter how extreme your grub infestation is, 我们保证我们的十大彩票网站将消除它们,恢复您草坪的健康.

    Lawn Pest Control in Moyock, NC

    Mosquitos, fleas, 而且扁虱可能看起来不像蜜蜂或黄蜂那么可怕, 但任何有虫害的人都知道这些害虫有多有害. With their itchy bites and harmful diseases, 这些害虫会破坏你的家人和朋友的户外乐趣. 好消息是,农艺草坪管理就在拐角处, you can get rid of mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks with a single phone call. 联系ALM今天无与伦比的草坪害虫控制在Moyock, and put an end to your fight with these outdoor pests. 

    Guaranteed Relief from Outdoor Pests

    作为一家本地拥有和经营的草坪护理公司,ALM真正关心我们所十大彩票网站的人. 我们的目标是为客户提供最优质的十大彩票网站, and when it comes to outdoor pest control, 我们有信心,我们的10应用雾化处理程序是最好的. Here is how our services work:

    • 在你选择将室外害虫控制加入你的草坪护理计划之后, 我们将安排一次初步检查,以收集有关害虫种群的信息.
    • From April through October, we will 使用雾化系统进行10次家庭护理.
    • Additional knowledge about the types of pests that live in your area.
    • 如果您对我们的驱蚊疗法不太满意, we will re-treat your yard at no additional cost.

    Disease Control in Moyock, NC

    说到草坪疾病,你一看到就知道了. 你的草是否已经开始变成褐色或黄色斑点开始出现, it’s easy to tell when fungi has taken over. 草坪疾病有一个有利的一面:它使人们很容易知道何时联系像农艺草坪管理这样信誉良好的草坪护理公司. For exceptional treatment of lawn disease in Moyock, guaranteed to stop fungi in its tracks, give us a call today!

    Fungicide Treatments that Eliminate AND Prevent Disease

    At Agronomic Lawn Management, 我们提供对所有常见类型的草坪真菌的保证保护 in Virginia including: 

    • Brown spot
    • Summer patch
    • Spring dead spot disease
    • Dollar spot
    • Mildew 

    Read Our Online Reviews

    5 Star Review

    ALM照顾我的草坪,树木和灌木(施肥和害虫控制). All of it is beautiful. 我注意到我的很多邻居都在称赞你之后开始使用你的十大彩票网站.

    Felicity Shaw
    5 Star Review

    Our lawn manager, Sean, 在建立和维护我们的新草坪方面,他是如此的博学和有帮助. Would highly recommend.

    Nancy Ermini
    5 Star Review

    My lawn looks great! Amazing difference from last year!

    KC Morse

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